Casa de Luz
Frequently Asked Questions



---  In the event you encounter a serious problem, please e-mail Klaus or our local Manager.
---  If the problem is of an immediate nature, also try calling the numbers given to you in the arrival communication.

---  When you are calling Artur  (9629-0482), our trusted taxi driver who speaks fluently English and is very knowledgeable in an around Abadiania, tell him that you are staying in Klaus and Gundi’s “Casa de Luz.”

---  When calling via the Internet (such as via Skype) be sure to dial the prefix  “+55 62” (whereby +55 is the country code of Brazil and 62 is the area code) even if you are calling a local number in Abadiania.  (Note: sometimes when calling a local number not starting with "3343," it is necessary to dial a "9" after the "62").
---  We have also posted additional numbers of trusted Abadiania residents in Casa de Luz which you can choose in case of an emergency.
---  For non-urgent medical and pharmaceutical advice call the local pharmacy, 3343-2203, and ask for "Waltin" who is a pharmacist trained in family medicine and is set up to make doctor's visits.
---  For more urgent, yet not life threatening medical assistance, call or email our local manager or "Horacio" to arrange for "Waltin" to come out for a doctor's visit (he charges a very modest R$50-100 fee).  

Safety: pool - railings

Casa de Luz has some features that are not conforming to child safety standards, as would be required by building codes in the United States. Children are often very inquisitive and prone to do the unexpected -- before you even realize it, they might, climb on or through the railings and be in SERIOUS danger.  We generally do not permit children at Casa de Luz,  so this should not become a problem.  If we make an ad-hoc exception and permit a child, please be aware to KEEP YOUR CHILDREN UNDER CONSTANT SUPERVISION.   BE GENERALLY AWARE OF THE DANGERS OF DECKS HIGH ABOVE GRADE AND INSUFFICIENTLY SECURED BY CHILD-SAFE RAILINGS.  SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH CAN RESULT FROM FALLING OFF A DECK.   BE AWARE OF THE DANGERS OF A 4 1/2 FEET DEEP OPEN SWIMMING POOLDO NOT DIVE INTO THE POOL FROM THE RIM.  THE OWNERS WILL NOT BE LIABLE AND RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR AND YOUR CHILDREN’S SAFETY. 

Drinking Water    

Even though our well water at Casa de Luz has been tested multiple times and found safe to drink, we do supply a 25-liter drinking water bottle and fountain which we recommend to use for drinking and cooking.  Please let us know when you need a replacement bottle.  You can also purchase it at the grocery store -- they will deliver and install it, all for about R$8. The bottle being replaced should be empty at that time.
Most of all, we recommend that you purchase and drink plenty of blessed Casa de Dom Inacio water -- it is part of your healing experience


As is common at any destination that attracts foreigners and non-locals, theft can be an issue. What is most commonly experienced is the "disappearance" of bags that were left unattended, i.e., on a chair, bike basket, counter.  There is no need to be scared -- just be aware of your possessions when around town. Be prudent not you leave valuables in direct sight inside the house, lock all doors when you leave the house, and be generally aware of pick-pocketing.


Abadiania, even though located at 3500 ft (1000 m) elevation, has a tropical climate, and there are occasionally annoying flying insects that love to get inside the house. Abadiania has a very active mosquito abatement program to assure safety with regard to outbreak of tropical diseases, and it is so effective that we know of no such outbreak having occurred during our many years of our travels to this area.  But nevertheless, try to keep the screen doors closed at all times.  People who are sensitive to insects that can be present especially during the wet season may want to apply an electrically powered mild fumigator, which is simply plugged into an electric outlet and will emit a scent that does "nasty things" to flying insects.  These devices can be purchased at Ribeiro's grocery store at a cost of about R$10 and will last for several weeks.  One is sufficient for the house.  We usually keep one handy for our renters‘ use as a courtesy.  We have also two effective UV-light emitting high-voltage mosquito traps (that were purchased in the U.S. and operate on 110 Volts only -- renters may use those but must diligently plug them only into a 220V --> 110V step-down transformed power source. (We provide several of those, clearly marked, at Casa de Luz).

Fire Safety

Due to the concrete/steel/brick construction of Casa de Luz and virtually all buildings in Abadiania, there is NO fire danger in Abadiania, and fire engines are essentially unknown.  In fact, during the dry season (May - September) locals sometimes ignite deliberate grass/vegetation fires in the hills and meadows around Abadiania, such as to re-fertilize the soil. These fires can look like spectacular wildfires and can really be extremely scary for the frame of mind of a US American.  But they can only burn up to the property walls -- and there they will stop and burn themselves out.  It is interesting to note that, for some reason, bushes and trees engulfed in such vegetation fires will quickly recover.  If a wildfire breaks out nearby, "enjoy" the experience and know that you are safe and everything will be just fine ...   
