There are two credit card-size Tahoe-Donner ID
cards in a bowl on the counter-top for use by guests. Please
return them there when you depart. Each card is good for four
people. They entitle you to enter all TD recreational facilities
and purchase day-use tickets at nominal cost. Usually, one
ticket is good for several of the facilities (such as tennis
courts, marina, swimming pools). The ID cards also provide
a discount at the Downhill and Cross-Country Ski facilities, and
they admit -- one person per card -- at a reduced rate to the
Tahoe-Donner Golf Course.
Again, it is very tempting to forget to return these cards -- as
it is to return the garage door remotes -- and we must advise
you that, if you forget, we will charge cost, time, and fees to
replace them to your security deposit, with a $30 minimum charge
per item.
Please understand
that it is a substantial hassle for us as owners to obtain
replacement cards (it's a job that cannot even be
accomplished by the housekeepers) -- we
will have to charge renters a fee of $50 for each ID card
not replaced to where you originally found it. Please
understand that, much more importantly, a card carelessly not
replaced will not be available for the
next guests, and that
is a real inconvenience for the guests and
a problem for us who represent to our guests that cards
will be available for them. Please
treat these cards as if they were your own
precious credit cards ...