Check-in, check-out times
Check-in time is 3:00 PM. The check-out time is 12:00 noon.
Our rental guests often ask to receive early check-in and/or late check-out. We do what we can to accommodate you, but we must ask your understanding that we can do this only if it does not impact our housekeeping staff. Their schedule and work are impeded when guests arrive early or depart late.
Therefore, if we were to commit to your early check-in or late check-out far in advance to your rental date, this would essentially mean that we would have to block out those days for you in our rental calendar, so they could not be rented to others and would thus not interfere with our commitment given to you. This would essentially mean for us that you receive an extra day at no extra charge.
As a courtesy to our renters, we may
grant, upon special request,
early check-in (12:00 noon) if no prior
rental is ending on your check-in date.
However, if you fail to adhere to this policy and
have not checked out by 12:00 noon, this could create havoc with
our housekeeping activities, and we would then have to charge
any financial consequences/loss thus experienced to your
security deposit. The minimum charge is $25.
Also, a nice alternative to arriving early or departing late would be to spend some time in the beautiful Sea Ranch environment, or to have lunch in one of the great local restaurants ...