Problems, Malfunctioning or Missing Ameneties
This is a vacation rental of a private home. It is conceivable that one or the other feature we offer may not work the way you are accustomed to at your home, or may not be available at all. We ask that you treat those ameneties that are unfamiliar to you with special care, and that you bear with us when you cannot find certain features you expect to be provided.
We make the best effort possible to keep this home in top condition and everything in it well functioning. Our housekeepers are trained to look out for problems when they prepare the home for the next rental. However, there are certain items that we simply assume to be functioning and are not double-checked after each rental, including -- but not limited to: TV and sound system, Internet/WiFi system, range and minor kitchen appliances, and various other items that are not often used and are not among those subject to cleaning after each rental.
If something does not appear to function properly when you want to use it, we ask that you first try the obvious, such as cleaning the lint trap or lint vent (outside wall behind dryer), re-booting, or looking for specific instructions, including checking in this "Frequently Asked Questions" resource. If this is unsuccessful, we appreciate it if you tell us about the problem, preferably by e-mail (to We will respond quickly by either calling you, e-mailing you with suggestions, or arranging a maintenance visit. However, it may happen that a remedy will not occur during the remainder of your vacation rental period.
Beyond such honest, reasonable effort to speedily
remedy an unexpected deficiency, we do not, and cannot, guarantee
the availability or proper functioning of any amenity,
but consider this to be a risk associated with your rental and
will not issue related refunds of rents paid or charged.
Under no
circumstance should you try to do the repair yourself, such as by moving an appliance (washer, dryer, range,
etc.) out of position, taking things apart, trying to
re-program, or alike (unless you happen
to be a professional/expert in that particular field). Doing so might "open a can of worms" and trigger
costly additional repairs. Your best "tool" to remedy a
problem is your iPhone or computer to e-mail us or the telephone
to call us ...