Common Sense Reminder
It is amazing what kinds of -- often very costly -- damage to our home we have experienced over the years due to renters' negligence. We therefore list a few of these common-sense items we ask you to observe. Please understand that we do NOT want to insult your sanity -- we are confident that you would know and not commit these blunders, but we nevertheless mention them, because they have actually repeatedly happened:
--- close wire-mesh curtain when using fireplace
(to prevent burn marks in carpets -- or worse ...)
--- stack the firewood in fireplace such that, once
the fire is going, burning logs will not roll off the grid (caution: fire danger)
--- no cooking oils and grease in sink or toilet
(to prevent expensive repairs to sewer pipes and septic system); use
metal can provided under sink
--- wash wooden utensils by hand only (nothing
with wooden handles etc. in the dishwasher, please!)
--- wash color and white laundry separately
--- clean up spills from stove top
(before they burn in ... )
--- use coffee maker, water kettle, and toaster NOT
underneath hanging cabinets (to prevent steam and
heat damage to cabinets)
--- do not use abrasive cleansers and sponges anywhere
in the house (they will leave most surfaces dull for
--- no ball playing or "rough-housing" inside the
house -- ever
--- keep garage door closed (and rodents
--- close windows (also upstairs),
and sliding glass doors when rain is imminent (there is no rain
protection due to Sea Ranch-style lack of roof overhangs)
--- put seat cushions inside at night
--- close the windows of your car at
night (and leave the raccoons outside ...)
--- take trash to trash can (in-ground by driveway)
-- do not leave in garage (to not attract rodents; use
steel cable w/lock to positively keep raccoons out)
--- raccoons like to
get into the house by pushing screen doors open or breaking
through them - HIDE foods from view and keep
glass doors closed !!!!
--- close mini-blinds to prevent overheating
(especially in loft)
--- turn thermostats back at night and when you
--- don't step on hot tub cover (it easily breaks
and is expensive to replace)
--- leave hot tub cover on (and heat in) when tub
is not in use
--- we will appreciate if you leave germs, mud and
dust outside and don't wear outside footwear
inside the house ...
Thank you!